Depression Men's Issues Psychotherapy

If I See a Therapist, Does that Mean I Am Crazy?

If I Seek Help, Doesn’t that Mean I’m Sick or Mentally Ill?

Going to a therapist does not mean that you are crazy. It means that you are courageous, practical and motivated to solve problems. Those who seek psychotherapy are assertive, open and aware people who take care of themselves and desire a better life. Solving problems is a priority to them so they spend time, money and energy on their therapy sessions.

I totally respect and admire my clients for their courage to face their problems and to open up and trust me.

Won’t Others Think that I Am Weak and Weird?

Maybe. People make judgments and have opinions about many things. But they should not determine how you live your life. Plus, you can’t please everyone or get everyone’s acceptance about your behavior. And, they probably cannot help you very much with your problems. They have their own issues to worry about.

Your job in life is to strive for a fulfilling life and to learn how to be resilient when disappointments arise. Learning healthy coping skills will enhance your daily life. Going to a therapist does not mean that you are weak, weird or dependent. If you cannot solve your issue or alleviate your own emotional pain, then it is practical to see a therapist to get some help with your concerns. It means that you are strong, determined and independent.

What Is Stigma?

Stigma is an exaggerated fear, a socially biased opinion based on fear.

Stigma, or a negative opinion that interferes with your seeking help, can delay the problem solving and cause further problems. Procrastinating on identifying a therapist and committing to therapy drags out your suffering even further. Don’t allow this resistance to stop you from solving your personal, relationship and family issues.

Do you want fear to dominate or guide your life?

Seek Help When You Are Stuck.

Although you and other people may have a negative attitude toward seeing a mental health professional, you should never feel too ashamed or afraid to ask for specialized help. The goal is to overcome a problem or emotional pain. And at times we need help.

Try not to worry about your negative beliefs about therapists or how others might react when they learn you are in therapy. And remember that your relationship with your therapist is confidential and private in order to protect and make you feel safe. This should encourage you to become more open and to take risks to reveal who you really are to the therapist.

I wrote another blog article about how to find a therapist. If you want to know more about how to locate a therapist, click on this link:

What Will Happen If I Decide Not to See a Therapist?

Probably nothing will happen. Your life may remain the same. You will continue to struggle with your same problems day-in and day-out. I doubt your life will repair itself or improve without your putting in effort.

And the pain or frustration you are experiencing will probably not simply evaporate and disappear. In fact, by refusing to engage in counseling, you may prolong your suffering and painful predicament or make it worse. You deserve better.

Take that Leap Toward Feeling Better!

Once you try a few sessions with a competent therapist, you will see how helpful therapy can be. You will likely feel relieved and more trusting, get insight into your problems, and take actions to improve your life.

Go for it!  You deserve it.


If you believe that I may be able to assist you, then give me a call – 805-448-5053. We can have a brief initial consult together on the phone. You can feel me out and we can determine if therapy may be helpful for you. Give it a try!

Depression Emotions Men's Issues

Why Is Depression So Common in the USA?

Many people wonder why there are so many depressed citizens in the United States? After all, this is supposed to be the most advanced country in the world. This is “the home of the free” where we all venture forth in “the pursuit of happiness”. So, why do so many of us struggle with depression and other mental health problems?

And what about us lucky souls who live in Santa Barbara = “Paradise”? How can we possibly be depressed while living in such a pleasant environment with a near perfect climate for human beings?

5 Factors May Contribute to the Prevalence of Depression in the USA.

 Several theories exist among mental health professionals regarding the growing problem of depressive mood disorders. Consider the following 5 theories:

1. Americans drop into economic hardship.

The size of the middle class has decreased rapidly and more people have descended into financial struggles and uncertainty. Wealth is not fairly distributed amongst our citizens. When people are unable to find jobs or meaningful work with reasonable compensation, they feel stuck, worthless and depressed. Often, they see no way out of their dour position. However, most people want to be financially self-reliant, independently take care of themselves and provide for their family members. This is a disappointing reality to face. We were promised more equality and a higher standard of living. Financial stress creates depressing self-esteem problems.

2. Americans reach adulthood.

As the American population grows more people reach adulthood. Thus, more people reach the age or season of life in which depression and anxiety are most common. Adults suffer with more depression per capita than children and adolescents.

3. American interpersonal relationships and community ties are weaker now than in past decades.

Anecdotally, we know that a high divorce rate, periodic residential relocation, an increasingly isolating tech boom, and a magnified global awareness contribute to feelings of alienation and decreased face-to-face interactions. Additionally, mastery of healthy relationships, community contribution and communication have declined. This results in a diminished sense of belonging, support, meaning and purpose in our daily lives. Moreover, loneliness, social isolation and low self-esteem promote depressive thinking and moods.

4. Americans are often motivated and focused on wealth, fame, and image.

Some research supports the idea that the value placed on consumerism, materialism, and self-promotion in recent decades is detrimental to mental health. Focusing on these values may be linked to dissatisfaction, disappointment and insecurity that fuel depression.

5. American expectations may be too high.

Despite the best intentions of parents, schools and the mental health community in recent years, emphasis on unrealistic self-positive affirmations are harmful. By focusing on thoughts like “you can be anything you want/dream/desire”, Americans are setting-up themselves and their children for disappointment. Unmet expectations of ourselves based on other’s distorted beliefs about our inner abilities and potential prove discouraging and depressing over time. If we fail to reach our promised potential, it is a very big let-down.

If you are depressed, it may not be your fault or a sign of weakness. And remember, you are not alone. You can feel better. Depression counseling is helpful for you and your loved ones.

Remember that I’m here to help you. Call me soon (805-448-5053) for a brief phone consultation. And to learn more about my depression counseling services go here: Depression Counseling

Depression Emotions Men's Issues

Is Depression a Common Problem in the USA?

Are you sad, low and unable to bounce back?  Do you think you might be experiencing depression? Are you feeling lonely and inadequate?

If so, you are far from alone.

Depression Is a Big Problem in the USA.

Depression in the United States is very common and on the rise. In fact, you may be experiencing or witnessing depression in others more routinely than you realize.

Scientific studies in recent decades reveal that depression befalls millions in America annually. We know, too, that we don’t recognize its prevalence at times because depression often manifests differently among those of various genders and ages. Meanwhile, depression counseling is on the rise.

For instance:

  • Do you interact with men who are always irritable, angry, prone to recklessness or substance abuse?
  • Do you notice women who are typically consumed with guilt, grief, sadness, worthlessness, and loneliness?
  • Do you interact with youth who have separation anxiety, eating disorders, or are “troublemakers”?
  • Are you observe senior citizens who seem inordinately focused on death or illness?

All of these behaviors are lesser-known indicators of depression that show up quite commonly. It is important to be aware of them in yourself and your friends and loved ones for the sake of your and their health and futures.

How Many Americans Suffer from Depression?

Depression is the most common psychological disorder in the USA. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) paints a serious picture of depression in the United States. According to their research, between 5 and 10% of Americans are suffering with depression. This means around 15 to 30 million people are trying to navigate the symptoms of such a pervasive condition.

This also means that it’s important to notice and understand what so many of us are dealing with. In addition, this explains why so many mental health professionals offer depression counseling to alleviate the suffering of their patients.

Here’s some more sobering statistics:

  • Depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15 to 44.3.
  • Major Depressive Disorder affects more than 16.1 million American adults over 18 years of age (about 6.7% of the U.S. population) each year.
  • Young adults 18 to 29 years old are three times more likely to get depressed.
  • The average age at onset of depression is just over 32 years old.
  • The prevalence of major depressive episodes is higher among adult females (8.7%) compared to males (5.3%).
  • The pervasiveness of adults with a major depressive episode is highest among individuals aged 18-25 (13.1%).
  • The prevalence of major depressive episode is highest among adults reporting two or more races/ethnicities (11.3%).

Unfortunately, depression is often overlooked and not detected by many health care professionals. Therefore, many people are missing the opportunity to utilize helpful psychiatric medicine and depression counseling.

Research Studies Demonstrate that Depression Can Afflict Anyone. 

Your own personal struggles and your observations of loved one or the general public may make this clear to you. Although depression impacts those of any age, gender, background, faith and financial status, there are groups for whom depression is more common.

As stated above, women are more commonly diagnosed with depression while many men are under-diagnosed with this psychological issue. In addition, depression is more likely to affect people who are impoverished, unemployed and survivors of trauma or tragedy.

I’m here to help. Please call me soon (805-448-5053) for a consultation and learn more about my services here: Depression Counseling

Depression Emotions Men's Issues

How Does Depression Manifest Itself in Human Beings?

Almost All People Experience a Painful Depressive Episode in Their Lifetime.

All people, no matter their age, gender, race, faith, ethnic identity, environment or financial status can suffer with depression. Many things happen in life to make us feel down, disappointed or blue. Fortunately, depression counseling can help.

How Do People Get Depressed?

Basically, there are 5 ways humans become depressed:

  1. Many adults get depressed as a natural reaction to a painful event in our life. Experiences happen that affect us emotionally, mentally and physically in a depressive way. If the event is mild then the sadness lasts for a short time. Some stressful events accumulate over time and cause depression. However,  some experiences are traumatic and overwhelming and they really set us back and disturb us psychologically for an extended period of time. Such stressful situations include divorce, death of a loved one, job loss or unemployment, relocating one’s home, loss of a friend, big disappointments, chronic or terminal illness or unexpected change. Some of these events may be rooted in childhood, such as abuse, neglect, deprivation, abandonment and other serious stressors.
  2. A chemical imbalance or toxicity can occur in the brain and results in moderate or serious symptoms associated to depression mood.
  3. Genetics and family history can be a contributor. Depressive states can be biologically inherited and there can be a history of depression across generations within a family.
  4. Medical illness can also set off depression. A physical injury or disability, or a chronic or life-threatening illness can easily trigger a depression response.
  5. Side-effects of medications and substance abuse (legal and illegal) can cause a chemically induced depression.

Are There Different Levels of Depression?

Yes. Depression is a painful emotion that can manifest in many different ways – behaviorally, emotionally, socially, mentally. Some forms of depression are mild while others can become very serious or profound. Depression can be situational or chronic and the result of many different causes and combinations of circumstances. There are depressions that last for only a few months while others may be prolonged for decades.

Depression can affect children, teens, adults, and seniors so deeply that it can endanger their lives. Some people become so depressed that they cannot take care of themselves and expose themselves to danger or poor health conditions.

When significantly distraught and in emotional pain, people may become suicidal. They may lose hope and want to die in order to avoid their emotional and mental pain. Some may develop a plan and a method for killing themselves while others will make suicidal attempts or successfully end their lives.

Symptoms of Depression Often Vary between Genders and Age Groups.

Plus, these groups tend to respond differently to different types of treatment.

  • Men often show: anger, irritability, isolation, withdrawal, hostility, aggression, numbness, shame, stoicism, criticism, addictions, risk-taking and suicidal ideas. Most men don’t recognize that they feel depressed and they take longer to reach out for depression counseling. Their symptoms are more “covert”. Most depressed men are under-diagnosed by medical and mental health professionals.
  • Women tend to demonstrate: sadness, depressed mood, loss of energy, apathy, tearfulness, and reduced or increased appetite and weight. Most women recognize when they are depressed and talk about it. They tend to voluntarily reach out for help and are more easily diagnosed with depression.
  • Children and adolescents tend to: either become more withdrawn, isolated and quiet or they act-out by becoming aggressive, defiant and oppositional when depressed. Kids tend to either enjoy or resist depression counseling. Most younger children will engage in play and activity therapies. They struggle to talk about their experiences openly. Many teenagers prefer group therapy over individual therapy.
  • Elderly people often: become isolated, hopeless, helpless, apathetic, fatigued, angry, oppositional, sleep more, move slower, and have a reduced desire for pleasure and social interaction. Most elderly people with chronic illnesses, pain, disabilities or life-threatening diseases are usually depressed. Many seniors will resist participating in depression counseling or “talk therapy” but may passively take psychiatric medications.

If you are depressed, then you are not alone. You can feel better.

I’m here to help. Please contact me soon for a consultation at 805-448-5053.

Learn more about my depression services here: Depression Counseling